来源:新商业思想库「ID:NewBusinessReview 」
投稿/培训/合作 | Cainiaoo(微信)
分享 | 领导者养成笔记「ID:GoToLead 」
(Great managers are not philosophers, entertainers, doers, or artists. They are engineers. )
(They see their organizations as machines and work assiduously to maintain and improve them. They create process- flow diagrams to show how the machine works and to evaluate its design. )
(They build metrics to light up how well each of the individual parts of the machine (most importantly, the people) and the machine as a whole are working. And they tinker constantly with its designs and its people to make both better.)
(They don"t do this randomly. They do it systematically, always keeping the cause-and-effect relationships in mind. And while they care deeply about the people involved, they cannot allow their feelings for them or their desire to spare them discomfort to stand in the way of the machine"s constant improvement.)
(To do otherwise wouldn"t be good for either the individuals on the team or the team that the individuals are a part of.)
(Of course, the higher up you are in an organization, the more important vision and creativity become, but you still must have the skills required to manage/orchestrate well.)
(Some young entrepreneurs start with the vision and creativity and then develop their management skills as they scale their companies; others start with management skills and develop vision as they climb the ladder.)
(But like great musicians, all great managers have both creativity and technical skills. And no manager at any level can expect to succeed without the skill set of an organizational engineer.)
文章来源:领导者养成笔记「ID:GoToLead 」,转载请公众号回复“转载”
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